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New inFAMOUS: Second Son Video Showcases The Seattle Rain

When you think of Seattle, what's the first thing that comes to mind? Right now, it may be the Seattle Seahawks, who are playing in this year's Super Bowl. At any other time of the year though, it may be as inFAMOUS: Second Son game director Nate Fox says, "Oh man, rain." Thanks to the power of the PlayStation 4, Sucker Punch is giving us the dreary Seattle experience we always wanted and you can check it out for yourself in the video below.

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When you think of Seattle, what’s the first thing that comes to mind? Right now, it may be the Seattle Seahawks, who are playing in this year’s Super Bowl. At any other time of the year though, it may be asĀ inFAMOUS: Second Son game director Nate Fox says, “Oh man, rain.” Thanks to the power of the PlayStation 4, Sucker Punch is hoping to give us the dreary Seattle experience we always wanted and you can check it out for yourself in the video below.

The team at Sucker Punch is crafting one of the more visually impressive PlayStation 4 games with inFAMOUS: Second Son. In just the above clip alone we get to see light reflections off puddles, rain running down the side of buildings and an absurd amount of exploding vehicles. As they reiterate throughout the video, this type of graphical horsepower was just not possible on the PlayStation 3.

As a new PlayStation 4 owner, I’m eagerly anticipating inFAMOUS: Second Son and not just because there aren’t a ton of game to play on the system right now. I enjoyed my time with the previous two titles in the series and I think that the move away from the storyline of those entries will do wonders for this one. Second Son looks incredible from a visual standpoint, but more importantly, it just looks like a ton of fun to play.

inFAMOUS: Second Son is coming exclusively to the PlayStation 4 on March 21st. After watching the clip posted above, are you impressed by the visuals in the game? Let us know in the comments section below.