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Is Jodie Holmes On Her Way To PlayStation 4 With Beyond: Two Souls?

Quantic Dream’s supernatural-infused thriller, Beyond: Two Souls, could be on its way to PlayStation 4, if a leak by Swiss retailer alcom.ch is to be believed.


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Quantic Dream’s supernatural-infused thriller, Beyond: Two Souls, could be on its way to PlayStation 4, if a leak by Swiss retailer alcom.ch is to be believed.

The listing itself advertises the title for Sony’s current-gen console with a placeholder box art to boot. And while it’s always good to err on the side of caution when it comes to this brand of speculation, the fact that another Swiss retailer, World of Games, posted a similar listing lends credence to this re-release becoming a reality.

Admittedly, rumours of a Beyond: Two Souls port have been on the cards for some time; for instance, back in April, an eagle-eyed NeoGaf user spotted a reference to the narrative-driven title on a programmer’s portfolio. That said, the post was removed from the video game forum shortly after it appeared.

After all, it’s understood that the French studio is currently working on a PS4 title, and head honcho David Cage has since stated that the project is a significant departure from Beyond and its pixelated next of kin, Heavy Rain. Of course, we expect the esteemed developer to be working on an all-new IP — which rules out The Dark Sorcerer, itself an ambitious tech demo.

In truth, Beyond: Two Souls was met with mixed reviews upon release, with our own pointing to the game’s wonky AI and convoluted story. Still the game has sold just north of one million copies hitherto, and Quantic Dream could well be looking to bolster that figure by introducing Jodie Holmes et al. to a new console audience.

So, will the studio take a leaf from Naughty Dog’s book and transition Beyond: Two Souls from one console generation to the next? We’ll be sure to keep you updated as more news appears.