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Keiji Inafune Wants $190k To Add DLC Into Crowdfunded Platformer Mighty No. 9

After raising an eye-watering $3.8 million through crowdfunding website kickstarter for Mighty No. 9 — a side-scrolling adventure title reminiscent of Mega Man — esteemed game developer Keiji Inafune has went one over and announced plans to crowdfund downloadable content for the still-to-be-release platformer.


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After raising an eye-watering $3.8 million through crowdfunding website kickstarter for Mighty No. 9 — a side-scrolling adventure title reminiscent of Mega Man — esteemed game developer Keiji Inafune has went one over and announced plans to crowdfund downloadable content for the still-to-be-released platformer.

Comcept, the studio behind the project, has stated that if an additional $190k were to be raised, the company would give out a DLC code to all backers that entitled them to an extra level and a new boss character called Ray (see above).

It’s worth noting that this expansion is very much “potential DLC” at this stage and, in taking to the title’s official Kickstarter page, Comcept noted that the developers wouldn’t move onto the additional content until their work on the main game was complete.

“We want to stress that none of the developers have or would begin working in earnest on this DLC until their work is done on the Mighty No. 9 retail release.”

Further in the post, the studio outlined exactly where that lump sum will go, with the resources being divided between character design, programming and the like. And while it’s easy to claim that Inafune and Comcept are becoming greedy with the crowdfunded income, it’s much more likely that the company has a hoard of extra content that was, perhaps, just too good to throw away.


Inafune’s Mighty No. 9 has been scheduled for release in April of 2015. If Comcept were to reach this new goal, the planned DLC would arrive a few months after launch.

In the meantime, you can let us know your thoughts on Inafune’s crowdfunded plan for DLC in the comments section below.