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Latest Resident Evil 2 Mod Imagines What A Nemesis Remake Could Look Like

A series of YouTube videos have emerged online depicting what a Resident Evil 3 remake would look like in the RE2 engine.

Resident evil 3

Raccoon City has witnessed some truly blood-curdling horrors over the years, but few compare to Nemesis, the hulking brute who pursued Jill Valentine throughout most, if not all, of Resident Evil 3.

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He’s essentially the leaner, meaner version of Mr. X, and we all know how big an effect Capcom’s tyrant has had on the Resident Evil fanbase – hell, you can’t click through three pages on the Internet without encountering some bat-shit RE2 mod that plays “X Gon’ Give It To Ya” every time Mr. X barges into a room. Or better yet, transforms him into Thomas the Tank Engine. Yes, that is a modification that exists. And it’s glorious.

But what if the experience is changed beyond recognition? What if it becomes a new game entirely? We imagine that’s not exactly what YouTuber EvilLord had in mind when he produced this Nemesis mod, but it’s still a pretty good indication of what a Resident Evil 3 remake would look like on today’s consoles.

Swap Clare Redfield for Jill Valentine, and Mr. X for Nemesis, and you’re half-way there! Granted, as Zero‘s video edit reveals, adding the original sound effects from Resident Evil 3 (i.e. “Starz”) into the mix certainly adds a layer of authenticity to the experience. All we need now is for Capcom to announce the real deal. And thanks to the blistering success of RE2 – 4 million units sold in its first month! – that’s no longer outside the realm of possibility.

Resident Evil 2 continues to be a resounding success for Capcom, which is currently basking in the overwhelmingly positive reviews for Devil May Cry 5, another extremely polished and refined title for the Japanese giant. Is Nemesis next to come? We’ll find out very soon.