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Long War Studios Bringing Day One Content To XCOM 2

In a blog post earlier today, Firaxis Games revealed that Long War Studios are set to provide XCOM 2 with additional content ready for the game's launch. Long War Studios made a name for themselves thanks to their work with the earlier XCOM title, and given the quality of it it's not hard to see why Firaxis are drafting them in.


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In a blog post earlier today, Firaxis Games revealed that Long War Studios are set to provide XCOM 2 with additional content that will be ready for the game’s launch. Long War Studios made a name for themselves thanks to their work with the earlier XCOM title, and given the quality of it it’s not hard to see why Firaxis are drafting them in.

Long War Studios is the team responsible for the popular Long War mod from XCOM: Enemy Unknown, and through their stellar work on this they have been drafted in to provide some fresh content for XCOM 2.

Despite the post stating that Long War Studios are apparently still hard at work for this as-yet-unknown set of content, Firaxis did confirm that they are expecting it all to be ready to coincide with the game’s launch in just over a fortnight.

While no other information about just what it is that LWS are working on, Firaxis promise that further updates will be revealed soon. In the meantime, XCOM 2 will be shown off by the developers at PAX South on 30th January, during the Firaxis Megapanel. If you’re not lucky enough to be attending, you can watch the panel live at http://twitch.tv/pax.

XCOM 2 is set to be released on February 5th.