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Lucasfilm Files Trademark Application For Star Wars 1313

Lucasfilm Files Trademark Application For Star Wars 1313

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Lucasfilm has filed a new trademark application with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office for the name Star Wars 1313 for use in video game software, books, toys, pencil cases, temporary tattoos, sticker albums, and just about every other consumer product known to man.

As is the case with all trademark applications, it does not mention anything specific about what Star Wars 1313 is and there is no guarantee that the name will ever turn into a actual video game (or temporary tattoo for that matter). The Star Wars Wiki states that Boba Fett once used the name “CT-1313” when “confronted by a clone trooper close to his own age” in one of the prequel novels. That seems like a bit of a stretch, but I’m sure whatever it is George Lucas will let us all know soon enough how and when we are supposed to hand over our money.

Source: Joystiq