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Major Game Changes Are On The Way For Hearthstone: Heroes Of Warcraft

The Blizzard blog was updated earlier today detailing huge changes coming to Hearthstone: Heroes Of Warcraft in regards to different game modes to accommodate for future expansions and updates. Currently slated to come into effect around Spring time, the update aims to split current gameplay into two different modes: Standard and Wild, both of which will be governed by their own separate series of rules.

The Blizzard blog was updated earlier today detailing huge changes coming to Hearthstone: Heroes Of Warcraft in regards to different game modes to accommodate for future expansions and updates. Currently slated to come into effect around Spring time, the update aims to split current gameplay into two different modes: Standard and Wild, both of which will be governed by their own separate series of rules.

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Exciting changes are coming to the Tavern! We’re proud to announce that we’re introducing game formats to Hearthstone! Whether you’re just getting into Hearthstone or you’re a seasoned veteran, the new Standard format will help keep Hearthstone fresh, exciting, and accessible for years to come, while the Wild format will preserve everything you already know and love about Hearthstone!

First of the new modes is Standard. As the name suggests, it will become the de facto one in which tournaments and (presumably) ranked matches will be played.


Standard is a new format in Play mode that allows players to go head-to-head using only the most recently released Hearthstone cards. You’ll play Standard using a deck built solely from a pool of cards that were released in the current and previous calendar year, along with a core foundation of the Basic and Classic card sets (which will always be valid for Standard). You’ll be matched against other players who are also using Standard decks.

It may sound like a small change at first glance, but by restricting deck construction to only the most recent expansions means that older cards will be restricted from being used in high-level play completely. The first set of cards due to be relegated from this mode is the ‘Curse Of Naxxramas’ set.

The second mode – Wild – is what Blizzard labels as the closest to how Hearthstone currently operates. There’s no restrictions on which cards can be used in Wild, so no matter how old or recent your cards are, they still have place and purpose here.


Wild is the new name for the Hearthstone you already know, because it’ll be the format where anything can happen. While Standard puts a bright spotlight on recently released cards and brings a more balanced experience, when you queue up for Wild, you’ll be cozying up with the crazy fun of Hearthstone you’re already familiar with. Of course, as more and more cards are added over time, the wilder and more unpredictable Wild will be!

Blizzard’s hopeful that the update will place more emphasis on new expansions and force players to come up with new strategies to use against their opponents. The announcement is one that many will have seen coming; Hearthstone: Heroes Of Warcraft‘s library of cards will only grow with each subsequent year, and the move will help to maintain balance and relevance for all of them.

However, the studio wants to hear what you think about the planned changes, and so do we. Have you been expecting these changes for a while now? Is there a potential problem with the announcement that you think Blizzard haven’t accounted for? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.