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9 Things We Want to See In Mass Effect: Andromeda

The latest installment in BioWare's space-exploration series, Mass Effect: Andromeda, is right around the corner, and here's what we want to see in it.

3) New Races And The Return Of Old Ones

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Since we’re leaving the Milky Way behind and moving to Andromeda, some thousands of years after the original trilogy, it’s more than likely we’ll get new races, stories and intergalactic intrigue. But what will they look like? What will their backstories be? And how many familiar races will re-appear?


Favourites like the Korgan and the Asari made the original trilogy all the more memorable, and a great deal of the story focused on the political wrangling between factions and the innate distrust of different species. I expect Ryder to be again at the heart of political conflict across the galaxy, but it’ll be interesting to see how Bioware juggles new stories while still offering up fan service in the form of familiar faces. Too many names and faces could become confusing, so there’s an interesting balancing act at work.