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9 Things We Want to See In Mass Effect: Andromeda

The latest installment in BioWare's space-exploration series, Mass Effect: Andromeda, is right around the corner, and here's what we want to see in it.

6) More Hubs

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Ah, the Citadel. Humanity’s presidential outpost, it’s a towering monolith that houses all manner of secrets, but looking back, I still remember those darned elevator rides best.

This time around, it’d be nice to get more hubs to explore – with a variety of flavours – on different planets. A game like The Technomancer demonstrated the value of open-world hubs, though it also illustrated what can go wrong: dry-as-dishwater NPCs and a litany of fetch quests pulling you towards umpteen loading times.

With the might of current-gen consoles and PCs at its disposal, the bar for Andromeda couldn’t be higher. I got the sense the Citadel was always constrained by the sheer lack of computing power behind it, but now Bioware has the opportunity to make their open-world hubs soar.

Just imagine a succession of hubs filled with different faces, stories and quests dotted across the galaxy – without endless loading times. One can dream, right?.