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9 Things We Want to See In Mass Effect: Andromeda

The latest installment in BioWare's space-exploration series, Mass Effect: Andromeda, is right around the corner, and here's what we want to see in it.

7) A Mako That’s Fun To Drive

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Vehicles have a dubious history in the Mass Effect franchise. Neither the Mako 1.0 nor The Hammerhead really ever felt fun to pilot, and with exploration likely to be front and centre in Andromeda, we need a Mako that does the series justice.

I want something that’s a joy to toss around but also has the right amount of heft; a Mako that makes me feel like Armstrong behind the wheel as he charts a course across untapped rock. More importantly, I want to feel empowered. 

Imagine being able to plot a course across uncharted territory, exit the vehicle where you please and scope out new ground? There’s the opportunity for a genuine sense of discovery that I’ve never truly felt in the series before.