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9 Things We Want to See In Mass Effect: Andromeda

The latest installment in BioWare's space-exploration series, Mass Effect: Andromeda, is right around the corner, and here's what we want to see in it.

8) Gunplay That Packs Variety

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The Mass Effect trilogy is rightly revered, but it never truly nailed the art of gunplay. Yes, it had half-hearted nods to customization and moments where you would run, gun, and jump for cover, but gunplay took on a pretty predictable flavour after a few hours.

This time around, I’m hoping bigger levels will breed more emergent gameplay, and the room to really experiment with different play styles. How about a touch of stealth, or action, or a combination of the two?

I’d also like to see squad controls and general AI improved as well. The slow-down powers of the original trilogy needs some work, but could be just the tonic needed to complement the gun play. Nail the combat, and Bioware will be sitting pretty.