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Mirror’s Edge 2 Will Be Open World

Sure, Titanfall looks great, Destiny looks super fun and Watch Dogs looks very cool, but the most exciting title at E3 for me, or one of them at least, was Mirror's Edge 2. All we really got was an official announcement, and a brief trailer, but boy am I looking forward to this game. I loved the first one and news of a sequel is music to my ears.


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Sure, Titanfall looks great, Destiny looks super fun and Watch Dogs looks very cool, but the most exciting title at E3 for me, or one of them at least, is Mirror’s Edge 2. All we really got was an official announcement, and a brief trailer, but boy am I looking forward to this game. I loved the first one and news of a sequel is music to my ears.

With E3 still going on, more and more information on the project is being revealed and while we still don’t know very much about it, EA has confirmed that it will be an “open-world action adventure game,” which will stay true to the original.

“The interesting part is that it was a game that could only be built in [next-generation consoles] and that was cool – I liked that. Because what they’re doing, you can’t do – it’s not possible on the current generation,” said EA Games Exec VP Patrick Söderlund.

Söderlund also stated that the team will attempt to fix what they got wrong the first time around and addresses complaints about the original game being too difficult.

“I think we missed completely on the game being too difficult, people keep falling down and the notion of constantly running away wasn’t maybe greatly perceived. On top of that there were a bunch of other problems with it, but again we look at what’s great with it, we do more of that and we fix the things that were broken.”

No word on a release date yet but I’m sure EA and DICE have something very special in store for us. Fans have been waiting a long time for Mirror’s Edge 2 and though the first game was not without flaws, knowing that the team is aware of what went wrong and intends on correcting it, makes me even more excited for this one.

We’ll keep you posted when we hear more.