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Multiple Amazon Sites List Mirror’s Edge 2 For Xbox One And 360

Over the last couple of weeks two of Amazon's foreign websites have listed Mirror's Edge 2 for Microsoft's current and next-gen consoles, indicating that we might get an official reveal for the long-awaited sequel at E3 next month.

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Over the last couple of weeks two of Amazon’s foreign websites have listed Mirror’s Edge 2 for Microsoft’s current and next-gen consoles, indicating that we might get an official reveal for the long-awaited sequel at E3 next month.

Last week Amazon Germany updated their website with a listing for Mirror’s Edge 2 on both the Xbox 360 and Xbox One, but quickly removed all traces of the page shortly after it was discovered. Today, the Italian arm of the online retailer pulled off a similar move by briefly posted their own listing for title, and then removed it after OXM reported on its existence.

Before it disappeared earlier today, the Italian listing contained a placeholder box art and January 1, 2020 release date. Interestingly, the website had the Xbox One pegged as the game’s only platform — which has raised the possibility that Mirror’s Edge 2 might be one of the next-gen console’s 15 exclusive titles.

There is little doubt that a sequel to Electronic Arts’ Mirror’s Edge has been (or at least, it was at some point) in development. EA Games Label boss Frank Gibeau noted that their developers were kicking around ideas for Mirror’s Edge 2 back in 2011, and multiple online resumes have mentioned the unannounced game over the years.

We will keep our eyes open for any other news about Mirror’s Edge 2 and let you know if anything pops up. In the meantime, let us know your thoughts on the possibility of it being exclusive to the Xbox One in the comments below. Would a sequel to the 2008 first-person runner be enough to make you forget about all the potential negative aspects of Microsoft’s next generation console?