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New Images From Tales Of Berseria Focus On Two Additional Characters

Bandai Namco has offered up some new images and information from the upcoming Tales of Berseria. The latest entry in the long-running Tales Of franchise is currently without a release date, but the studio expects the title to launch sometime in 2016 for the PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3 and Windows PC.

tales of berseria 01

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Bandai Namco has offered up some new images and information from the upcoming Tales of Berseria. The latest entry in the long-running Tales Of franchise is currently without a release date, but the studio expects the title to launch sometime in 2016 for the PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3 and Windows PC.

The latest batch of assets released for the game focus on two new characters, Rokurou and Eleanor. Both of these new faces will play a major role in the journey protagonist Velvet Crowe undertakes.

Serving as a mentor to the party, Rokurou is a voice of reason in the world of Tales of Berseria. Although he may hold great knowledge, he joins up with Velvet and company because he believes what he is searching for aligns with the path our hero is on.

On the other side of the spectrum is the demon hunter Eleanor. While she finds some value in Velvet’s philosophies, she still stands in opposition to our hero. Despite the fact that Eleanor serves as an antagonist in the title, her line of thinking isn’t necessarily wrong. The franchise has always had “villains” that operate outside the lines of good and evil, and Tales of Berseria is no different.

While we wait for Bandai Namco to announce a final release date for Tales of Berseria, why not take a look at the latest batch of screenshots and let us know what you think? Impressed with how the RPG is coming along? Or sick of the franchise? Sound off below!