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Ninja’s break from social media and streaming, explained

Why is Ninja taking a break from streaming?

Tyler "Ninja" Blevins
Screengrab via YouTube/Ninja

In a move that has surprised his fans, Ninja announces he’s taking a break from social media and streaming. Tyler “Ninja” Blevins is one of the most popular Fortnite streamers who made news when he made the switch from Twitch to Mixer back in 2019 and has continued to rise as a world-renowned gamer. These recent developments, however, aren’t as favorable.

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Ninja’s account on Twitter has been deactivated, and he left a vague message regarding the uncertainty of his future in streaming.

In a report from AOTF, his last match was a difficult game of Fortnite duos with SypherPK. During the match, he played as one of the new Destiny skins and pushed a player using the Kamehameha Mythic. He got in some shots, but his opponent used an Impact Grenade and a Rift-to-Go was able to escape. He hung up the call, and left the match abruptly. Shortly thereafter, the stream ended and Ninja disappeared.

Before leaving, Ninja reportedly said, “I’m [expletive] sick of this dude. I’m sick of these players spamming Rift-to-Gos every single – I’ve had enough man.” Then, before leaving said, “honestly dude . . . I gotta take a break from streaming,” and it would seem that his words weren’t a mere threat as his social media channels now reflect his absent status, which includes his Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube.

The precise reason why Ninja has chosen to leave for now remains unclear, but one can only assume the toll of streaming finally caught up. In the past, he’s spoken about how important his family is and how he wanted to spend time with his loved ones, which should remind people that popular streamers have lives outside of their games. It’s such a big deal because Ninja is such a big streamer, but that also means he has to endure all sorts of negativity which can wear anyone down.

It’s unclear whether this is an official resignation or not, but it’s clear that Ninja needs a break from the stress of streaming. His deactivation and his messages on his social media channels indicate that this is more serious than usual. In time, he will eventually inform his fans about the status of his gaming career.