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Nintendo Are Bringing Us A Redesigned Miiverse This Summer

Nintendo's interactive social network will be taking on a new look later this summer when the company updates their longstanding Miiverse.

Miiverse welcome

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Nintendo’s interactive social network will be taking on a new look later this summer when the company updates their longstandingĀ Miiverse. The system serves as a hub within which players can share their Nintendo gaming experiences, and the redesign looks set to be adding some really neat features to make it even more interactive.

An official Nintendo Miiverse page has revealed the new features, first introducing the addition of screenshot albums in which players can store up to 100 of their favourite gaming moments to look back on. These albums will be private and thus not immediately visible to other Miiverse users.

The added interaction comes in the form of Play Journals, where players can keep noted records and screenshots of particular game moments that they want to look back on. These will then feature in the redesigned Communities area, and so players will be able to seek out the journals of other people playing the same games at the same point. This could be a way of getting advice on how to beat a particularly tricky section, or even just a method of teasing some more life out of the levels that have been played over and over.

MiiVerse community info

The revamped communities will also feature drawings for each game, listed in order of popularity to help players sort through the best of them. Discussions will now also feature more heavily and starting a conversation about your favourite games will be much easier. Tagging each post will also allow other players to find them quicker and increase the chances of the discussion getting picked up more regularly.

Overall, the redesign seems heavily focussed on making the community areas much easier to use and making the content more obvious for players to find. It’s no doubt another step in the right direction, too, as Nintendo’s Miiverse network seems to keep moving from strength to strength and should continue to be a great place for players to collaborate and communicate about their favourite games.

Source: Nintendo