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Releasing The Nintendo NX In 2016 “Would Be A Mistake,” Says Analyst

Releasing the Nintendo NX too early could have a detrimental effect on the success of the console, according to certain analysts. One such company - DFC Intelligence - has said exactly that in a recent statement regarding the still-mysterious and presumed successor to the Wii U.


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Releasing the Nintendo NX too early could have a detrimental effect on the success of the console, according to certain analysts. One such company – DFC Intelligence – has said exactly that in a recent statement regarding the still-mysterious and presumed successor to the Wii U.

In fact, we’re all still very much in the dark in regards to having any concrete details for the NX, with the only lead to on being that Nintendo intends to reveal the device at some point in 2016.

So why exactly does DFC think a 2016 release would be so disastrous? Well, the rise of VR gaming, the already established Xbox One and PlayStation 4 markets and the disappointing performance of the Wii U are all contributing factors, apparently.

DFC believes that Nintendo launching a new system in 2016 would be a mistake and under any scenario the Nintendo NX will not have an impact on the market until late 2017.

Of course, our perception is likely to evolve as more details around price points and launch dates become available, but 2016 is looking to be a record year for the game industry. In reviewing 2015 the PlayStation 4 met our expectations while the Xbox One and Wii U slightly underperformed. Going forward DFC believes that the potential launch of a new Nintendo system as well as new VR devices, especially the PlayStation VR will have a negative impact on the Xbox One and Wii U.

Accordingly the market is open for the PlayStation 4 to have stronger sales and forecasts have been raised accordingly.

Ultimately then, DFC believes that the market is already reaching a point of excessive saturation, and Nintendo releasing a new console in the same period would hinder any potential exposure. It’s an outcome that’s entirely possible, but nobody knows just how successful VR technology will be in a commercial market. Besides that, nobody even knows what features the Nintendo NX will have, so until more info surfaces, we can only indulge in guesswork.

Anyways, we want to know your thoughts on the subject. Do you agree with DFC’s standpoint, or do you think Nintendo need to get the NX out the door as soon as possible? Let us know in the comments below.