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Pre-Order Customers Of Oculus Rift Given Free Shipping As Apology For Delay

An unforeseen component shortage for Oculus VR's Oculus Rift headset has led to shipping delays, the company has admitted, meaning some customers who pre-ordered the device may be waiting longer than they had originally thought.


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An unforeseen component shortage for Oculus VR’s Oculus Rift headset has led to shipping delays, the company has admitted, meaning some customers who pre-ordered the device may be waiting longer than they had originally thought.

Having formally released just last week, the Oculus Rift is the first of major VR device to be placed in the hands of consumers, but due to an “unexpected component shortage,” the ugly word delay has once again reared its head to undoubtedly annoy a bunch of customers who pre-ordered the highly-anticipated piece of tech.

Explaining the delays in the original shipping estimates for an unspecified amount of early pre-orders, Oculus VR said in emails sent to those affected that:

We know you’re anxious to receive your Oculus Rift, and apologise for not updating your order status sooner. We’ve been working through an unexpected component shortage, and unfortunately, that issue has impacted the original shipping estimates for some early customers.

We’re working hard to get up-to-date ship windows, and you should expect to see your order status updated on oculus.com by Tuesday, April 12. Although many Rifts will be arriving on schedule and in line with original estimates, we’ll be covering shipping and handling costs for all orders placed through today.

As stated by VideoGamer, Oculus VR CEO Brendan Iribe has confirmed that all Oculus Rift customers who ordered the device prior to April 1 will have shipping costs paid for them.

Tell us, are you one of the early adopters of VR technology? If you’re one of the lucky ones to already have your Oculus Rift, we want to hear what your early impressions are of the novel new way to enjoy video games. Give us a shout in the comments below!