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Overwatch’s New Hero Sombra Finally Revealed, Stealth And Hacking Abilities Detailed

BlizzCon heralds confirmation of Overwatch's new hero, Sombra, and you can see the stealth heroine in action via official gameplay clips.

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Though untimely leaks threatened to spoil the announcement ahead of time, Blizzard have finally pulled back the curtain on Sombra, the new addition to the Overwatch character roster.

News hails from the ongoing BlizzCon event, and though the publisher stopped short of announcing a release date, the Sombra Hero page is now live, confirming the shooter’s newcomer to be an offense character with a difficulty of three stars.

Stealth and hacking are Sombra’s greatest assets, too, ensuring that she stands as a powerful infiltrator. The official character description reveals that “her hacking can disrupt her enemies, ensuring they’re easier to take out, while her EMP provides the upper hand against multiple foes at once. Sombra’s ability to Translocate and camouflage herself makes her a hard target to pin down.”

Curious about the individual abilities? Here’s an overview of what to expect:

  • Machine Pistol – Sombra’s fully-automatic machine pistol fires in a short-range spread.
  • Hack – Sombra hacks enemies to temporarily stop them from using their abilities, or hacks first aid kits to make them useless to her opponents.
  • Thermoptic Camo – Sombra becomes invisible for a short period of time, during which her speed is boosted considerably. Attacking, using offensive abilities, or taking damage disables her camouflage.
  • Translocator – Sombra tosses out a translocator beacon. She can instantly return to the beacon’s location while it is active (including when it’s in mid-flight).
  • EMP – Sombra discharges electromagnetic energy in a wide radius, destroying enemy barriers and shields and hacking all opponents caught in the blast.

Finally, Blizzard announced that the Eco Point map and arcade mode will be available in Overwatch‘s PTR next week.

There was no mention of when Sombra will make her debut in Overwatch, but we’ll keep you posted as this story develops. While you wait, feast your eyes on the video blowout below, documenting everything from Sombra’s origin story to the abilities she’ll soon bring to the table.