Based off the computer-animated television series produced by 41 Entertainment, Pac-Man and the Ghostly Adventures transforms the Pac-Man universe into an entirely new entity. No longer is Pac-Man funneled by tight corridors and stuck in a dull setting; his newest adventure will feature a fully 3D environment and new “powered up” game mechanics. Betrayus and his pack of mischievous Netherworld ghosts are attempting to take the Pac-World by force, and Pac-Man is its only hope.
“As one of the most iconic and popular video game character, PAC-MAN has virtually become the symbol of our company” said Olivier Comte, Senior Vice-President at NAMCO BANDAI Games Europe. “As a wish to renew the PAC-MAN franchise and bring it to the new generation of gamers, we are proud to introduce a brand new concept in the PAC-MAN universe, with PAC-MAN and the Ghostly Adventures”.
This is by far one of the strangest variations of the Pac-Man series and strays quite a bit from its roots. While Pac-Man and the Ghostly Adventures contains Pac-Man, Pac-Dots, and ghosts, those looking for a classic Pac-Man experience may have to look elsewhere. Judging by the trailer, which can be seen below, the game is going to be a 3D action-platformer, instead of a top-down maze-strategy game.
Pac-Man and the Ghostly Adventures is scheduled for release on PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 this Fall, along with a side-scrolling version of the game which will be produced for the Nintendo 3DS. Check back for more news as it becomes available.