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PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale Getting Patched Next Week

Patch version 1.02 will be available for the game sometime next week, containing various gameplay refinements, bug fixes, and a new item to use in battle.

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PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale, Sony’s fighting game featuring many of their flagship characters, has been available for both the PS3 and Vita for close to two weeks now, but developer SuperBot Entertainment is far from finished with the game. The developer recently announced that patch version 1.02 will be available for the game sometime next week, containing various gameplay refinements, bug fixes, and a new item to use in battle.

The big change as far as the character lineup goes applies mainly to LittleBigPlanet’s Sackboy, who will be toned down a bit. Each of his Super moves will now require more points to activate, and some of his normal moves will earn less points. AI intelligence will also be improved, along with overall online networking performance. A new powerup called Medusa’s Gaze, presumably God of War-inspired, will be added as well.

A full list of the changes the patch will include can be viewed below:

  • A new item, Medusa’s Gaze, has been added to the game
  • View Invites has been added to the Party Bar Menu
  • AI logic enhancements
  • Network performance improvements
  • Issue where players were stuck with a different character than the one picked has been addressed
  • Issue with matchmaking in regards to player skill has been addressed
  • Overall improvements to network connectivity
  • Sackboy changes
  • Level 1 Super – Increase cost from 100 to 150 AP
  • Level 2 Super – Increase cost from 325 to 400 AP
  • Level 3 Super – Increase cost from 600 to 750 AP
  • Jam Session (Neutral Triangle) – Reduced AP generation from 25 down to 10 AP
  • Cakeinator (Neutral Circle) – Reduced AP generation from 25 down to 20 AP

SuperBot has said in the past that they plan to continue supporting the game both through downloadable character additions and adjusting the balance via patches, and it’s nice to see that they are following through on this. We will keep you updated as more PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale news drops.