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Playstation Plus Members Getting Early Access To Mortal Kombat Demo

As someone who greatly enjoys the barely palatable brutality of Mortal Kombat, this news is mildly irritating because I haven’t signed up for Sony’s special service. Those who pay the fee each month will be able to tear folks apart with their bare hands a whole WEEK before the general Playstation public.

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As someone who greatly enjoys the barely palatable brutality of Mortal Kombat, this news is mildly irritating because I haven’t signed up for Sony’s special service. Those who pay the fee each month will be able to tear folks apart with their bare hands a whole WEEK before the general Playstation public.

The demo will include two levels, single player and versus mode arcades, 3D functionality (which basically no one will have the luxury of trying out), and four characters. The franchise reboot will propel its blood stained demo into your ‘premium’ consoles next Wednesday on the 9th of March.

With all the fuss about Kratos (rightly so I might add) and all this talk of ‘taking the series back to its roots’ things could be looking up for the combatants (see what I did there?). Only time will tell…just over a week to be specific…hmmm.