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PlayStation Plus Update: Don’t Starve And DmC Free For Subscribers This Week

The first PlayStation Plus update of 2014 is upon us, revealing that subscribers to Sony's premium PSN service will get a double dose of Instant Game Collection additions when the PS Store updates tomorrow afternoon.

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The first PlayStation Plus update of 2014 is upon us, revealing that subscribers to Sony’s premium PSN service will get a double dose of Instant Game Collection additions when the PS Store updates tomorrow afternoon.

As rumored, the “uncompromising wilderness survival game” Don’t Starve: Console Edition will replace Contrast on the PlayStation 4 side of the IGC — which makes right now an excellent time for PlayStation Plus members to go ahead and add Contrast to their download list. On the PS3, subscribers can look forward to jumping into the boots of DmC: Devil May Cry‘s younger (i.e., sans white hair) version of Dante and sending a few demon spawns back to hell.

Outside of the Instant Game Collection twofer, PlayStation Plus members can also grab a slight discount on Streetkix: Freestyle (PS Plus Price: $10.79, Regular Price: $11.99), and pick up 120 free Gold Coins for the free-to-play Home Tycoon: New Heights expansion in PlayStation Home.

The final item to note in today’s PlayStation Plus update is that Galaga Legions is scheduled to leave the Instant Game Collection on January 14. If shooter is not yet on your download list, make sure to correct that situation before next week.