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Precursor Games Launches Shadow Of The Eternals Kickstarter

To celebrate the start of Precursor Games' second week of crowdfunding for the spiritual successor to Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem, the studio (which is totally not connected to Silicon Knights in any way that can be proven in a court of law, so take that Epic Games!) has launched a second Shadows of the Eternals crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter.

shadow of the eternals (5)

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To celebrate the start of Precursor Games’ second week of crowdfunding for the spiritual successor to Eternal Darkness: Sanity’s Requiem, the studio (which is totally not connected to Silicon Knights in any way that can be proven in a court of law, so take that Epic Games!) has launched a second Shadows of the Eternals crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter.

Precursor Games CEO Paul Caporicci made the Kickstarter announcement on Shadows of the Eternals‘ original self-run crowdfunding website, claiming that the second effort was started due to “overwhelming popular demand.” He also noted that the new Kickstarter campaign (which ends on June 19, 2013) will not replace the existing campaign for your money, but will “run in parallel” with it.

Last week the company claimed that the reason why they chose not to go with Kickstarter in the first place was due to the studio not having a presence in the U.S. or U.K. — which is apparently a requirement by Kickstarter. Today’s announcement seems to indicate that Precursor and Denis Dyack found a way around the pesky requirement.

At any rate, the Kickstarter goal for Shadows of the Eternals is set at $1.35 million, which is slightly lower than the $1.5 million goal for the self-run crowdfunding campaign. Currently, the Kickstarter campaign has 117 backers and has raised $7,457 of its goal. The original campaign stands at almost $156,000, with 24 days left.

In addition to the new crowdfunding campaign, Precursor Games has also re-released the entire 9 minute long Shadows of the Eternals demo (embedded below) that was first shown on IGN last week. The benefit to this new version of the trailer is that IGN and Dyack don’t talk over the entire demo as it happens.

We will keep an eye on both of Precursor Games’ crowdfunding efforts for Shadows of the Eternals and let you know if they meet their goals, or if a third campaign opens up next week for your donating convenience.