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Professor Layton Vs. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Comes To The West This August

Despite having been available in Japan since the end of 2012 and Europe since March, Level-5 and Nintendo have only now just announced that Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney will be coming to North America on August 29.


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Despite having been available in Japan since the end of 2012 and Europe since March, Level-5 and Nintendo have only now just announced that Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney will be coming to North America on August 29.

Combining the worlds of two of Nintendo’s quirkiest puzzle franchises, Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney is a brand new adventure that features the two titular characters teaming up in order to solve a baffling mystery. Gameplay is split between the two, as players search for clues and solve puzzles with the good Professor, while Mr. Wright handles the action in court with his trademark gusto.

As a fan of both of these franchises, you better believe I’m excited about the greatest team-up since Rocky and Apollo Creed. While I’m sure the puzzle solving and case cracking aspects of both franchises will remain as excellent as ever, what I’m truly interested in is seeing what new and interesting ways Level-5 can shoe-horn in puzzles for Layton to solve.

We will continue to bring you the latest news on Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney in the lead-up to its release in August, so stay tuned.