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PSN Potentially Not Live Again Till May 31st

Sony have now confirmed over the phone to Bloomberg, following a conference, that the company expects/fears the Playstation Network and related services could be down until as late as the end of May. The company have apologised and stated “We were unaware of the extent of the attack on Sony Online Entertainment servers, and we are taking this opportunity to conduct further testing of the incredibly complex system.”

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Sony have now confirmed over the phone to Bloomberg, following a conference, that the company expects/fears the Playstation Network and related services could be down until the end of May. The company have apologized and stated “We were unaware of the extent of the attack on Sony Online Entertainment servers, and we are taking this opportunity to conduct further testing of the incredibly complex system.”

Despite Sony’s efforts to compensate users for this unprecedented denial of online service (not their fault mind you) with a generous offering of two games from the PS Store completely free of charge, a month’s worth of Playstation Plus content, and potentially some of identity protection, PS3 owners are not going to be pleased.

This whole fiasco is costing Sony millions and they’ve still got a long way to go before everything is back to normal again…it seems. May 31st is their best estimate and target timeframe but who knows what else might crop up in between? Perhaps all those gamers will take this opportunity to replay some of those forgotten single player games eh? or spend time with loved ones…or sleep.

Regardless this is increasingly frustrating, Brink is out this week and PS3 Portal 2 players still haven’t had a chance to get all co-operative online yet, or rip Kratos into tiny pieces with Sub zero in worldwide matchmaking.