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You Died: Ranking The Dark Souls Games And Their Imitators

It's incredible, really, that in seven short years the devilish Dark Souls series has spun five games from its web. Each entry is brilliant in its own distinct way but when you're treated to so much effortless quality, it's easy to take them for granted. The temptation is to nitpick, to square them off against one another, to single out subjective preferences.

8) Necropolis

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Release date: 2016


Eighth place goes to a recent inductee in the Souls Hall of Fame and a valiant attempt at that. Necropolis takes a stab at recreating the magic on a fraction of the budget, a flight of fancy that sees it fall short of the mark.

Sporting a monochrome palette and a slew of procedural generated worlds, Necropolis understands what it means to be a Souls imitator: death can not simply be a formality, but a matter of consequence. Here, the developers take it a step further by introducing permanent death, an extreme measure not for the faint of heart. That’s right, every time you come acropper you have to start afresh. A bit of a bummer, that.

Our very own Dylan Chaundy reviewed the console version recently and rather eloquently described it as “a cold shadow of a much warmer bonfire.” In short, Necropolis lacks diversity and the sheer addictiveness required to make this a must-have.