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Remastered Jet Set Radio Being Released For XBLA, PSN And PC This Summer

Jet Set Radio. Those three words are enough to send many a gamer into fanboy jitters. Sega has apparently decided to see what would happen if every one of them were to start frothing at the mouth concurrently. This summer, Jet Set Radio will be hitting XBLA, PSN, and PCs worldwide with an upgraded HD look.

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Jet Set Radio. Those three words are enough to send many a gamer into fanboy jitters. Sega has apparently decided to see what would happen if every one of them were to start frothing at the mouth concurrently. This summer, Jet Set Radio will be hitting XBLA, PSN, and PCs worldwide with an upgraded HD look.

Stay with me here. I know you’re excited but it gets better. Sega also has announced a contest where fans will get a shot at designing 18 new pieces of graffiti to be used in the game. The prize pack includes two copies of the game, a Jet Set Radio hoodie and beverage shaker, as well as a sound system.

I’d enter, but I received a cease and desist letter the last time I pushed for a cubist interpretation of a penguin to be used as game art, so I’m going to hold off until my lawyer starts returning my calls.