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Scribblenauts Unmasked: A DC Adventure Officially Unveiled

Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment has officially announced Scribblenauts Unmasked: A DC Adventure for the Wii U, 3DS and Windows PC.


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Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment has officially announced Scribblenauts Unmasked: A DC Adventure for the Wii U, 3DS and Windows PC.

The vast world of Scribblenauts is huge, so gigantic that it’s a place for your imagination to thrive and come to life. It’s a world where you can pretty much think things into existence in order to help you on your quest. Not only has Scribblenauts been an imagination conducing environment, but DC comics fans can now look forward to seeing more than 2,000 characters and variations inspired and originating from the comic book collection.

In an interview with Polygon, senior producer of Scribblenauts Unmasked, Caleb Arseneaux says the game will have every character that has ever appeared in DC Comics, from those who have made the briefest cameo appearances to all the variations of Batman and Superman.

Just as the world of Scribblenauts has become bigger than the imagination, Scribblenauts Unmasked has ballooned as “initially [we] had 1,200 characters, and then we just kept finding more and more characters and more variations, and eventually we wound up with more than 2,000,” explains Arseneaux.

The fact that the game has so many variations of individual characters and the way in which the levels and puzzles are created, encourages players to replay the stages using the different variations, as every character has a different set of abilities and super powers. For example, players will be able to play 33 different kind of Batman characters and 130 different kind of Green Lantern characters, ensuring a variety even among individual characters.

Arseneaux highlighted all the DC inspirations and gold nuggets spread throughout the game in a demo to Polygon. Not only are locations inspired by the comic book collection, like the Bat Cave and Green Lantern’s headquarters, but even objects that players summon are DC-inspired

If you think it couldn’t get better than this…it just did. The game will also feature a hero creator; a place to create your own character by mixing and matching superheros and villains and this is where the real creativity begins. Arseneaux recognizes the creative potential and told Polygon that he is “most excited about how people are going to take our hero creator and what kind of superheroes and villains they are going to make and share online, it will be awesome to see what people do with their imagination and the tools we give them.”

That’s all we have right now for you but we’ll keep you posted on moreĀ Scribblenauts Unmasked: A DC Adventure as it arises.