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5 Sick And Disturbing Video Game Moments That Will Haunt You Forever

From cutting off your own finger to making someone kill their best friend for your enjoyment, here are five sick and disturbing moments from video games that will haunt you forever.

Knights Of The Old Republic: Kill Your Best Friend Solely For My Enjoyment

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How shocked are you right now? Admit it, on a list of sick and disturbing moments from video games, no one was expecting Knights of the Old Republic, were they? Well, that’s probably because very few people played through it like I did. As a result, I ended up partaking in a moment that will always haunt me as a gamer. I’m not even kidding you.

In a game that was built heavily around the decisions you made, I played as vile a character as I could. Everything I had done up to that point was awful. I mean, I even robbed fucking widows. No joke. But a point comes in the final stretch of the game where you can do something SO twisted that most horror games haven’t even had moments that have touched it.

Zaalbar, who is the depressed (yet awesome) Wookie from the game has a best friend named Mission Vao. The whole game they bust each other’s chops and just have a very Hall and Oats feel to them. If you play dark side, and save Zaalbar at one point, he owes you a life debt. What that means is he has to do whatever it is you ask of him in return for saving his life. So, what do you do? If you are a sick fuck like me, you make him kill his best friend in front of you and your whole team, even though he pleads otherwise.

I know, it is sick and depressing. But it is also a haunting moment in gaming and resonated with me for a long, long time, which is why it landed on this list.

What is even cooler is if you choose Zaalbar to be on your team AFTER he kills Vao, he will attack you the first chance he gets. Wookie love and loyalty is no joke.