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Insomniac Teases Spider-Man: Miles Morales’ Length And Setting

Confusion as to whether Spider-Man: Miles Morales would be a standalone title or an add-on to a next-gen version of the 2018 PS4 game has finally been cleared up. Fortunately, the former has proven to be the correct statement as confirmed yet again by developer Insomniac earlier today, though that doesn't necessarily mean this year's follow-up will be of similar size and length as its predecessor.

Spider-Man: Miles Morales

Confusion as to whether Spider-Man: Miles Morales would be a standalone title or an add-on to a next-gen version of the 2018 PS4 game has finally been cleared up. Fortunately, the former has proven to be the correct statement as confirmed yet again by developer Insomniac earlier today, though that doesn’t necessarily mean this year’s follow-up will be of similar size and length as its predecessor.

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According to new details shared recently by Insomniac creative director Brian Horton over on Sony’s PlayStation Blog, in fact, it certainly sounds as if Miles’ solo adventure will be a noticeably shorter affair, though fans certainly shouldn’t take that as a sign that the studio has put less thought and care into the project. “You’ll experience a full story arc with Miles,” says Horton, adding that it’ll be one “more akin to a game like Uncharted: The Lost Legacy in terms of overall scope.”

For those not familiar with Naughty Dog’s acclaimed series, The Lost Legacy started life as a small-scale DLC add-on for Uncharted 4 and eventually grew so large in size that it became a standalone release. Whether Horton is alluding to Miles Morales having a similar development cycle, that the two share roughly the same story length, or both, isn’t clear, however, so it’s tough to gauge based on his comments alone, just how long it’ll be.

Moving into unconfirmed territory, Twitter user Nibel has shared a few additional tidbits not mentioned above, including that Morales’ story takes place roughly one year after the original and features “new villains, set pieces and unique quests.”


We’re in for one hell of a ride, in other words, when Spider-Man: Miles Morales releases this holiday season exclusively for PlayStation 5.