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Square Enix Is Aware Of Scalpers Targeting Final Fantasy XV’s Ultimate Edition

Square Enix is keenly aware of the scalping problem surrounding its Ultimate Edition of Final Fantasy XV, and plans to deal with them severely, game director Hajime Tabata has said.


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Square Enix is keenly aware of the scalping problem surrounding its Ultimate Edition of Final Fantasy XV, and plans to deal with them severely, game director Hajime Tabata has said.

For those unfamiliar with the term, scalping refers to the practice of buying – usually multiple – copies of a desirable, limited item and then reselling the product at a massively inflated price over the RRP (recommended retail price).

Already, the exclusive edition (pictured above) has started popping up on various seller sites like eBay going for more than double the $269.99 price set by Square Enix on its listing for it. With only 30,000 copies of the highly-desirable collector’s edition on offer from day one, it’s no wonder its attracted hordes of scalpers like moths to a flame.

However, Tabata says that Square Enix are considering increasing the production run of the package in an effort to give more genuine fans the chance to grab it without having to spend a ridiculous amount of cash.

Speaking on Twitter, Tabata said:

I heard that the pre-orders swarmed in for the ULTIMATE COLLECTERS EDITION, and people couldn’t place their orders. I’m really sorry. We’re currently investigating if we can somehow increase production. I will keep you updated when there’s any progress!

Not only that, but Tabata says that Square will be looking at existing pre-orders for abnormalities in an effort to free up existing copies of the Ultimate Edition, and those found to be abusing the system will be “dealt with severely.”

For people placing abnormal orders suggesting purchases for the purpose of reselling, will be told that they will be dealt with severely in conformity with the agreement. We ask for your continued support of FFXV!

Final Fantasy XV launches September 30 for Xbox One and PlayStation 4, while a PC version is under consideration for the future.

Have you managed to secure a pre-order for the Ultimate Edition? Sounds like you may be one of the lucky ones if so.