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Star Wars: The Old Republic Unleashes The Power of Free-To-Play This November

EA and BioWare have finally announced that Star Wars: The Old Republic, like so many other subscription-based MMOs, will cross over to the free-to-play realm this November.

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EA and BioWare have finally announced that Star Wars: The Old Republic, like so many other subscription-based MMOs, will cross over to the free-to-play realm this November.

The free-to-play version of the MMO will let you play as all eight classes and their subsequent story lines as well as play through the current level cap of 50. If you wish to let the wookie win, join the dark side or have a Scotsman beam you up, The Old Republic will be 15 dollars starting August 7, which includes a month of subscription.

Those who still really like the idea of paying a monthly fee, or wish to continue their subscription with the game, can still do so. The subscribers will be awarded access to content such as PVP arenas, flash points, character creation choices and items that the no-good plebeian players will be limited in accessing unless they cough up the credits.

Subscribers will also earn more “cartel coins,” a new form of in game currency being introduced when the free-to-play version is launched. What these coins will get you is uncertain but you can bet that it will be worth it.

This move comes as a surprise to few, as EA tested the F2P model earlier this year when it let gamers play free up to level 15. With reports of dwindling subscribers falling from around 1.7 million at launch to 1.3 in May, and again down to somewhere below 1 million, according to an investor call earlier today, it’s no surprise that the studio made this move.