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Super Smash Bros. Director Masahiro Sakurai Says Wii U Version May Be His Last

Masahiro Sakurai, the creator and director behind Super Smash Bros., has stated that the recently-released Wii U version of the game may be his final entry into the series.


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Masahiro Sakurai, the creator and director behind Super Smash Bros., has stated that the recently-released Wii U version of the game may be his final entry into the series.

In an interview with Game Informer, the prestigious developer admitted that while another installment in the mascot brawler is almost inevitable, he himself may step down as director.

I can’t positively declare there won’t be [another Smash Bros. game], with both Melee and Brawl, I made those games with the thought that there wouldn’t be any more sequels. Thus, I really can’t deny the chance for another. However, as for myself, I don’t think there will be.

Our intention [with Super Smash Bros. for Wii U] was to provide extra merits to the game which go far beyond the sale price. In terms of scope, and in terms of sheer number of characters, we went beyond our limits long ago. You could say that all the effort in the past to stretch out, keep pushing myself, and provide all these extra merits wound up tightening the noose around my neck in the future.

It’s fascinating to hear Sakurai talk of the franchise so candidly. Super Smash Bros. is a series that prides itself on its mammoth roster along with that slick, ludicrously addictive fighting mechanics, and for all intents and purposes, Nintendo has almost perfected the formula with the Wii U version. So, one question that will loom over its successor like an ash-grey cloud is how can The Big N and Sakurai possibly top such a release?

Either way, if the celebrated director does decide to bow out at this point, there’s no doubting that he’s leaving on a monumental high.

Super Smash Bros. is currently available for Wii U and 3DS. For more on Sakurai’s recent and likely his last entry into the fighting series, you can check out our glowing review of the console version.