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The 10 best ‘Dead By Daylight’ killers, ranked

'Dead by Daylight' is crawling with a variety of favorable killers, but which ones are the best?

Albert Wesker Dead By Daylight
Image via Behaviour Interactive

From necessary moments of much-needed stealth to looping the killer endlessly around objects, it’s not hard to understand why interactive horror game Dead by Daylight only increases in popularity with each new chapter.

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As fantastic as the game’s lineup of quick-thinking survivors is, there’s simply no denying the monumental number of bone-chilling killers that make it their mission to inflict pain and anxiety upon the survivors. And seeing as the game is interactive and asymmetric, devoted gamers are rewarded with the choice of which killer they wholeheartedly desire to control. Admittedly, a handful of killers in the video game aren’t as appealing as others, but occasionally selecting The Shape or The Nightmare is somewhat of a guilty pleasure at this point.

But for those indecisive gamers out there who might be having a difficult time trying to choose the most elite killers for gameplay and personal preference, let’s dive in and explore the 10 best killers in Dead by Daylight, ranked.

10. The Executioner 

It was a true toss-up between The Executioner and The Cenobite, but we definitely have to give the advantage to Pyramid Head. What makes The Executioner so powerful and one of the best is undoubtedly his range ability, which allows him to attack survivors without having a safety pallet dropped on his head. His ability allows him to turn safe loops into unsafe loops, also motivating the gamer controlling him to be able to predict a survivor’s moment and secure an easy kill. He’s not the absolute best, but he deserves a spot on this list.

9. The Oni

Let’s not mince words; The Oni is one of the scariest killers in the game when a competent and gifted gamer is behind his controls. As if it weren’t already obvious, one of the biggest reasons The Oni is so scary and powerful is due to his ability to completely snowball a match and down every single survivor during his power. When heaps of blood is collected and The Oni rages, his power is a dangerous talent that can be a monumental weapon depending on who is controlling him.

8. The Huntress

Placing The Huntress on this list might appear extremely controversial to some, but it’s hard to discount just how impactful she is as a killer in DBD. Unlike the majority of other killers, The Huntress has a clear ability to attack a survivor all the way from the other side of a map due to her slinging of hatchets. This range ability allows her to down survivors who barely have a chance to move before they’ve already been hit — which is especially essential during the endgame when escape doors are being opened.

7. The Xenomorph

Truth be told, any killer who has the overwhelming ability to evoke fear into Ellen Ripley certainly belongs on this list. As the long-time villain of the iconic Alien franchise, The Xenomorph is definitely just as powerful in DBD as the horror movies. Able to attack survivors with her range ability, almost-overpowered skill set, and natural ability to move stealthily, there’s absolutely no denying that facing the monstrous beast is one of the most difficult challenges in the game right now. 

6. The Artist

She might not be the most popular killer in the entire game, but we’d be lying if we said The Artist isn’t powerful all on her own merit. As is the case with a handful of other killers, she has a dangerous ability to follow you and track you with the use of her birds — which are always readily available and at her beck and call. When in a chase with The Artist as a survivor, she can easily make it difficult by planting birds to attack, or sending birds to attack from all the way across the map. Don’t be fooled; she’s a sneaky good killer.

5. The Spirit

This one shouldn’t come as a huge surprise, but The Spirit is annoyingly and admittedly one of the strongest killers in DBD. Of course, what makes her so fantastic and intimidating is her ability to phase towards survivors who are attempting to escape her warpath. And while skilled survivors might be able to hear a faint whooshing sound when she’s on the move and getting close, her unmatched skill set makes it almost impossible to dodge for too long.

4. The Mastermind

As one of the most efficient and impactful killers in DBD, The Mastermind possesses a strong capability of skills that make it extremely difficult to avoid him during lengthy chases. His superior abilities allow him to lunge at survivors from far distances to either attack them head-on or close the gap between him and the survivor. Either way, he’s far too gifted at being a menace compared to a variety of other killers in the game — so it should hardly come as a major surprise that The Mastermind is so close to the top of this list.

3. The Blight

One of the most selected killers in the game is The Blight — and for a plethora of good reasons, I might add. Considering his multitude of rushing abilities, it’s not too difficult to understand why some survivors are fearful upon realizing that he is the assigned killer in the match. Of course, being a skilled survivor and learning to dodge his rushes is a plus, but it’s worth noting that The Blight can often move extremely quickly and capitalize on his targets before they even realize what happened. So if you’re looking for one of the best in the game, then look no further.

2. The Good Guy

Despite being introduced as one of the newest chapters in the game, The Good Guy has already established himself as one of the best killers in the game — and certainly a fan-favorite amongst DBD followers. With his ability to sneak up on survivors by hiding his red stain and his ability to slide under pre-dropped pallets, it’s no wonder Chucky has become a bonafide favorite in the game. As much of a baddie as he is, his voice lines and gut-busting dialogue only make him that much more likable — so is it any wonder he’s taken the number two spot?

1. The Nurse

Even with nerfs, patches, and reworks, the general consensus still points at The Nurse being the definitive best killer in DBD. From her ability to teleport through pallets, windows, and across the map to her ability to sense when survivors are healing, it’s common knowledge that The Nurse is the best when it comes to selecting a killer. And while some gamers might struggle to understand her gameplay at first, seasoned veterans that have mastered her maneuvers undoubtedly capitalize in a match full of survivors that find it difficult to counterplay her abilities.