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The 5 Best New IPs In Gaming This Year (So Far)


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It’s colorful, it’s stylish, it’s addictive: it’s Overwatch.

Pieced together from the remains of Blizzard’s abandoned MMO Titan, the competitive squad-based shooter Overwatch is a welcome change of pace from the usual slew of modern military shooters we’ve grown accustomed to. Borrowing from Team Fortress 2, Overwatch is a squad-based shooter that emphasizes cooperation above all other tactics. Each of the game’s twenty-one characters have a unique play style that compliments the others. Finding the right combination of character types for every situation is a necessary component of a team’s success, and being able to switch between characters on the fly to counter the opposing team’s squad adds an additional level of strategy that combines for a fast, frenetic game that never seems to get old. You’ll always be willing to play ‘just one more match.’


Unlike most games with such an array of characters, it’s difficult to pick a favorite, or even a favorite class, for that matter. Experimentation is not only recommended, but due to the need for balance in your squad, it’s necessary. But even if it wasn’t, each one is so well made you’d find yourself switching often, trying out each one to find out their strengths and weakness anyway.

In Overwatch, Blizzard’s created a game with more charm and personality than a dozen other shooters put together. The futuristic take on real world locales and the detail in the character’s design make for an instantly unforgettable experience. Combined with its fantastic gameplay, Overwatch is easily one of the best new titles of the year so far, and a strong contender for Game of the Year. Go out and buy it and you’ll see what we mean.