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The 10 Most Promising Games From PAX East

The Penny Arcade Expo - or PAX for short - is a grand annual celebration of gaming culture, and last weekend gamers from across the American continent descended on Boston for PAX East. A festive occasion, PAX is a chance for people to come together and enjoy their shared passion for video games.

Outlast 2

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Outlast was one of 2013’s big surprises and arguably one of the best horror experiences in years, so the game’s newly revealed sequel, Outlast 2 has quite the shoes to fill.

From what we saw during PAX East, there is every reason to believe that the second game is poised to deliver a similarly brilliant experience. Aesthetically, Outlast 2 looks sublime, and the demo’s corn field chase stealth sequence alludes to an eerie rural setting.

This is a game brimming with tension and suspense, in which players can expect plenty of item and weaponry management in order to survive. Indeed, there weren’t any offensive weapons featured in the demo and players had to rely on evasion tactics to escape their creepy pursuers.

As in the first game, Outlast 2 restricts your vision, this time by way of a night vision camera with limited battery life, and the limited ability to see in combination with the games crisp sound design is superbly effective at creating a terrifying ambience.

Outlast 2 is due for a late 2016 release on PC, Xbox One and PS4.