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This Indie Metroidvania Is Close To Overtaking Metroid Dread

While many love the Nintendo title, this indie game is getting closer to beating it in review scores.

Beating Metroid

It’s hard to imagine a fan metroidvania games not being excited for Metroid Dread — it’s literally in the name of the genre! The game is already setting sales records for the Metroid series and has received tons of stellar reviews. Review aggregate Metacritic currently gives it a score of 89 with an 8.8 user score which is nothing to sneeze at!

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However, an indie title that has gone under the radar for many is slowly closing in to hit similar, if not even better, numbers than Metroid Dread has right now. UNSIGHTED has been declared “one of the year’s best metroidvanias” and is said to have “fundamentally near-perfect” gameplay. It also has overwhelmingly positive reviews on Steam. Soon, it may also be able to surpass Dread’s scores on Metacritic as well if it can get past one obstacle.

Despite its popularity among players, the difficulties caused by being a part of the indie scene are causing UNSIGHTED to go under the radar. Tiana Pixel, one of two developers who worked on the game, discussed on Twitter how “sometimes the competition is so unfair” when it comes to marketing.

“We never had resources to go to events like PAX, GDC, EGX, so there’s a big audience and contacts we were never able to reach, this really hurts when you’re indie.”

Despite this, the UNSIGHTED currently sits at an 80 on Metacritic with a 7.9 user score. This puts it vastly ahead of other recent major releases like Far Cry 6, Back 4 Blood, and Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl. All it would take is a few more positive user reviews to put it ahead of the Nintendo title and other major reviewers to give the game a try.

With UNSIGHTED available on Nintendo Switch, Xbox, PS4, and on PC with a free demo, there’s little reason not to give it a try! If all the other reviewers are correct, you’re in for a good time.