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This review absolutely nails why you shouldn’t pick up ‘Hogwarts Legacy’

"There’s a hole where this game’s heart should be."

Hogwarts Legacy
Image via Hogwarts Legacy/Avalanche

Released on Friday, it didn’t take long for reviews to start populating the internet for the Hogwarts Legacy single-player RPG. One review, in particular, is garnering so much attention because once a fan of the Harry Potter franchise and J.K. Rowling, the reviewer now finds herself strongly disliked by the author.

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Jaina Grey writes in her Hogwarts Legacy review, “Since 2019 though, the once-beloved children’s author has—well, she’s had some opinions. About people like me.” At this point, the controversy surrounding J.K. Rowling’s transphobia has been well documented from liking a tweet that claimed transwomen were just men in dresses and the ongoing hostility she has shown the trans community. Grey goes on to explain, “When one of those voices comes from the author who taught you about accepting yourself, a person you thought truly saw you and kids like you, it hurts in a way I honestly hope she never understands. I wouldn’t wish it on anyone.”

Even though Grey avoided all influential advertising and trailers for the game, she checked it out and noted, “There’s definitely something missing. I thought maybe it was the lackluster art direction, the one-dimensional characters that feel like store-brand versions of the ones we know and love, or even the conspicuous lack of the iconic John Williams score. But there’s a bigger absence here…There’s a hole where this game’s heart should be.”

In a subsequent tweet, it’s pointed out that Grey directs consumers who would normally find a buy button for the game to a donation page for Trans Lifeline, an organization run by trans people that offers support for trans people in crisis.

With a 1/10 score, Grey doesn’t give any room for praise of the game. Was there anything good about it all?

With just one hard-hitting review that didn’t hold back or coddle anyone who might be heartbroken over the news, Wired might be gaining a few more readers today.

In a very real sense, this is how the game is played when it comes to someone using their platform to criticize others, the opposition has the right to use their platform to return the favor.

While Hogwarts Legacy is finding success despite the controversy, there are plenty of games gamers can buy instead that support the trans community.