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No Time To Explain Unleashes Crazy Multiplayer Trailer Ahead Of Xbox One Debut

After bringing its craziness to Steam, TinyBuildGAMES' No Time to Explain is about to be unleashed on Xbox One. The big news: It'll come with a dance button.

After bringing its craziness to Steam, TinyBuildGAMES’ No Time to Explain is about to be unleashed on Xbox One. The big news: It’ll come with a dance button.

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Okay, maybe dancing isn’t the biggest news about this remastered version of No Time to Explain, but it’s sure to be good for some laughs. What’s really noteworthy here, is the fact that the game was redone using the Unity Engine, which allowed its developers to make a plethora of changes and improvements.

The game’s latest press release — which certainly doesn’t lack personality, much like the title it promotes — includes the following list of features:

Now with local multiplayer!
PLAY AS NEW CHARACTERS to blast, beam, slingshot and catapult yourself through fire, acid and fairy-cakes!
TEST YOUR GUN-GLIDING MASTERY: There are 60 wearable hats hidden around these levels, but where are they?
FACE OFF against giant monsters from alternate timelines, including the most horrific of all: your evil alternate self!
Kill giant alien crabs!
Eat cake!
Fight sharks!
Jump on stuff!
Play fullscreen!
Perform awesome dance moves while wearing collected hats!
Play different versions of yourself from the future!
Fully original Soundtrack!

So, what is this game all about? Read on for another exuberant paragraph from the excitement-filled release.

Chase your future self through time and alternate realities while fighting giant monsters, collecting hats, and eating cake! No Time To Explain is a game about Time Paradoxes, Jetpack Guns and Ribs In People’s Eyes. It’s a comedy platformer featuring great music, voice acting and gameplay that becomes more ridiculous as you go.

What you’ll see above is the latest trailer for No Time to Explain, which is chock full of zany multiplayer action. We’ve included a more single player-focused trailer below, though, just in case you’ve yet to hear about this game.

No Time to Explain will make its way to the Xbox One Marketplace on July 17th, and is currently available as a short demo. Going further, those who purchased the original version of the game on Steam will be gifted with No Time To Explain Remastered as a thank you for their support.