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We Got This Covered’s Indie Game Of The Year

For most gamers, 2016’s calendar will be remembered best for an array of AAA titles. The likes of Uncharted 4, and more recently The Last Guardian and Final Fantasy XV are just a few landmark games that have punctuated a solid year for the industry. In fact, almost every month brought with it new television commercials or billboard advertisement touting the latest release.

8) Firewatch

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So-called “walking simulators” have emerged as an increasingly popular form of adventure game in recent years, but even so, you won’t find as unique an experience as Camp Santo’s Firewatch. This is a game that tackles tough social issues and explores human relationships, all amidst an intriguing and beautifully stylized outback setting.

In an attempt to escape the difficulties of handling his wife’s early onset dementia, Henry leaves his city dwelling and takes a job as a Shoshone Forest fire lookout. Communicating with his colleague Delilah via radio, Henry investigates mysterious goings-on around the park, culminating in an X-Files-esque narrative twist.

It’s an inspiring and alternative premise that piqued the interest of gamers from as far back as its first reveal, back in 2014. Some technical shortcomings aside, it certainly didn’t disappoint, and if you haven’t done so already, make sure you play Firewatch and experience its brilliance.