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Top 10 Video Game Things That Need To Exist

We've all had that desire. That want for something in one of our favorite virtual worlds to become a reality. Maybe it's a tool that would make our lives infinitely easier. Maybe it's a virtual buddy that we think would be pretty cool to go on road trips with. Maybe we just think it'd be really freakin' awesome to have the real Master Sword hanging over our mantle. Whatever the reason, most of the coolest things we use in our favorite games likely won't be around for at least the next several decades, if ever.

2. Aperture Science Handheld Portal Device – Portal Series

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This particular entry shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone. Not just because we used it as our preview image (which should have been a dead giveaway,) but since Valve introduced us the the Aperture Science Enrichment Center, gamers have been obsessed with thinking with portals.

What wouldn’t be absolutely more useful than opening up a doorway whenever you need one? Sure, the kinks aren’t quite worked out yet, so the potential for some kind of horrifying injury is incredibly possible. So much so that most doctors probably wouldn’t recommend using the ASHPD. But I think it’s worth the risks, and you should too.

Plus, imagine this. Most of you probably have family in faraway places. So if you ever go on vacation near where they are, you can simply open up a portal in an unused wall in their basement, put the other one in your residence, and visit as often as you like! Air fare will be a thing of the past!

Or if you can’t afford to travel, simply ship the device to your destination of choice, with one portal already activated in your closet or something. That way, when the person on the other end gets the portal device, they can simply open up a doorway, and you can proceed through. Unless of course the person on the other end pulls the wrong trigger, and ends up completely erasing the portal you set up near you. I like to think we’ve all accidentally done that during the game at some point.


But everything I’ve mentioned here, nothing compares to the number one entry on this list. That’s right, kids. Not even portal devices, godlike powers, super soldiers or magical instruments can hold a candle to the thought of having your own, real live…

1. Pokemon – Pokemon Series

That’s right. Whether you’ve been a franchise fan or not, at some point or another, all gamers have wondered what life would be like if Pokemon were real.

Although the concept of Pokemon, capturing wild animals purely for the sake of making them fight, is highly illegal and likely wouldn’t be allowed if Pokemon were real, you can’t deny that there’s at least one Pokemon out of the hundreds created over the last nearly two decades that you wouldn’t love to have your own.

The Pokemon would make great companions. It’s clear from seeing interactions in the games and anime series that the Pocket Monsters can be incredibly loyal if raised by a loving, caring trainer. And besides the fact of being a loyal companion, they’d be handy friends to have in certain situations! Who knows when you might be glad to have a Diglett by your side if you ever get lost in a random cave? How many times have you wanted to go swimming only to realize it would be so much cooler riding on the back of a Gyrados? Wouldn’t cutting your grass be so much easier if you had a Scyther to help you? If Pokemon became a reality, I’m pretty sure I would dump all of my money into the project.

And it doesn’t have to stop there. The same concept of “animals being your friend” could transfer to many different franchises. Those on the either side of the coin could have a Digimon friend of their choosing. The Chocobos and summons from Final Fantasy could be done. Because how awesome would it be to have your very own Ifrit to use at your disposal?

Er…..maybe that’s not the greatest idea.

But still, maybe it’s the animal lover in me, but having real Pokemon to have and call your own would be probably the coolest virtual thing to ever exist in reality. It’s a shame it’ll absolutely never happen.

Well, kids, that’s it! Top 10 things from video games that they really need to find a way to make. Although pretty much none of these will exist in even this millennium, it’s always fun to think about “what if?!”

What about you guys? If you could make any video game thing into a real thing, what would you choose?