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6 Must Own Pieces Of DLC For The PS4

Younger gamers won’t necessarily remember the days when we used to call DLC an “expansion pack,” especially those that didn’t venture into PC gaming. Of course, back in the day PCs were really the only hardware with which additional content was viable because of the nature with which they were installed and saved on hard drive. But consoles have since caught up, and thanks to the connectivity afforded by online networks such as Xbox Live and PSN, substantial additional content has become common place for most AAA titles.

Bloodborne: The Old Hunters

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Take the team that made the revered Souls series and give them free reign to come up with a faster, more arcade-y version of their beloved gameplay formula, all in combination with one of the most fascinating and ambient settings we’ve ever seen in a video game and you have Bloodborne.

We probably should have expected From Software’s Bloodborne would become a smash hit, but nobody could quite have anticipated just how much success it would find as an exclusive PS4 title. Gamers just couldn’t get enough of its scintillating combat and punishing difficulty, earning it multiple Game of the Year nominations and solidifying it as one of the best received new IPs in recent memory.


The game’s DLC, The Old Hunters, traps players in a nightmarish world that is as sombre and equally atmospheric as Bloodborne’s Yharnem. If you thought Bloodborne’s main campaign was challenging then think again, as the Old Hunters has players take on even tougher bosses and mobs that are as devilish in appearance as they are aggressive in their bloodlust. The gameplay is still as sublime as ever, and there’s added depth in the game’s combat, especially in regards Rally system where lost health can be regained by taking the initiative in duels, which results in some thrilling close quarter encounters.

The Old Hunters is essential DLC if you’ve played the main campaign, and if you haven’t then we suggest you go and buy Bloodborne right now. Indeed, the Game of the Year addition is still arguably PS4’s best exclusive.