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Ubisoft Still Deciding What To Do With Wii U GamePad In Watch Dogs

Speaking to Digital Spy, Ubisoft Montreal senior producer Dominic Guay confirmed that Watch Dogs on the Wii U will be "feature comparable" with the other version of the game, however, the development team is still trying to figure out the best way to use the console's GamePad controller.

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Speaking to Digital Spy, Ubisoft Montreal senior producer Dominic Guay confirmed that Watch Dogs on the Wii U will be “feature comparable” with the other version of the game, however, the development team is still trying to figure out the best way to use the console’s GamePad controller.

“So the connectivity between players with mobile devices, the way you can control the city, the immersion, all those are core and on any platforms we’re going to ship on we’re going to make sure we nail those pillars down,”

“We’re still investigating how we’ll use the tablet on the Wii U, but with the things I mentioned before, for us it’s not going to be a weird stretch… It’s natural. What’s really cool with Watch Dogs, when we start thinking of those devices, it’s not a weird abstraction, it’s not like I’m a space alien and now I’m using a tablet. Why am I doing that?”

“Aiden Pearce is using a device to control the city, so it’s quite easy to imagine what we could do with that.”

It is nice to hear that Watch Dogs‘ social aspects relating to users being able to access other player’s game worlds via smartphones will be included in each version of the title — which arguably the most interesting feature that Ubisoft revealed about the game last week. Additionally, I’m really interested in seeing what the developer does with the Wii U GamePad. There seems to be a real possibility that the controller’s touchscreen could be used for some really fun gameplay elements, if done correctly.

The other bit of new Watch Dogs information that has popped up recently is that Ubisoft has opened up a viral website for the game at chicago-ctos. This url was featured in the latest gameplay trailer, and it takes you to a black page with ASCII text that claims to have been taken over by “DedSec”. Other than that the site includes the following statement in Latin “Quis Custodiet Costodes Ipsos”, or “Who watches the watchmen?”

Dogs, I guess.

Let us know your suggestions for Watch Dogs Wii U GamePad features in the comments below.