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Warframe – A Beginner’s Guide To The PlayStation 4’s Best Free-To-Play Title

If you own a PlayStaion 4, you really should be playing Warframe. Warframe is an online multiplayer shooter, played from a 3rd person perspective. The game is centered around a team of futuristic ninjas, and it has a lot in common with the multiplayer found in Mass Effect 3. As you play, you will unlock new character classes, weapons, and other assorted gear. You will also level your characters and equipment, and find loot drops from defeated enemies.

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Warframe is at its best when it’s played with a group. You might consider running a few solo missions to start off, but once you’ve levelled up a bit, you really need to start playing the game with some teammates. When playing with a team, you can’t instantly die in Warframe. Instead, you will be put into a downed state when you run out of both shields and health. Once you’re down, you can still shoot with your pistol, but you will die in a few moments if another player doesn’t revive you. If a player fails to revive you, it will only take one player to finish the mission, and you will still get all of the mods and bonuses that you found before dying.You can also choose to self-revive, but only four times per day.

Compare this to playing alone, where losing all your shields and health will not put you into a downed state, and the only way to continue the mission will be to use a self-revive. If you choose to end the mission before completion, you won’t get to keep any of the mods you found along the way, and obviously won’t get any of the end-level bonuses either.

Speaking of mods and other loot, each player gets their own loot drops, so there’s no worry about being teamed up with some random jerk who grabs all the best loot and leaves none for you. There are actually not very many reasons to avoid playing with random players. The most annoying thing that you’re likely to run into are players who want to rush to the end of each level while you want to explore, or vice-versa.

Warframe also allows players to join missions already in progress, so there’s no good reason not to play with a full group whenever possible. Play with friends if you can — and that shouldn’t be too hard to do in a free-to-play game — but be sure to play with other players.

Please note that in addition to being on your PSN friends list, your Warframe teammates also must be in a separate Warframe friends list. At the main menu, hit the options button and find them by searching through the in-game list.  Once added, you will be able to invite them and they will be able to join you.  This can be done anywhere on the mission selection screen. Then, just pick the same mission and the game will fill any vacancies in your team with random players.