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Warframe – A Beginner’s Guide To The PlayStation 4’s Best Free-To-Play Title

If you own a PlayStaion 4, you really should be playing Warframe. Warframe is an online multiplayer shooter, played from a 3rd person perspective. The game is centered around a team of futuristic ninjas, and it has a lot in common with the multiplayer found in Mass Effect 3. As you play, you will unlock new character classes, weapons, and other assorted gear. You will also level your characters and equipment, and find loot drops from defeated enemies.

[h2]The Power Of Orokin Technology[/h2]

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There are three very important items you should be aware of when playing Warframe: Orokin Cells, Orokin Reactors, and Orokin Catalysts. Orokin Cells are required to build most Warframes and weapons as well as Orokin Reactors and Orokin Catalysts.

I mentioned earlier that there was a way of going beyond the 30 point mod limit, and this is how that is accomplished. Orokin Reactors instantly double the number of mods available for your Warframe. If you install a Reactor at level 5, you’ll now have 10 points to allot to mods. If you have a Reactor installed at level 15, you’ll already have the full 30 point mod capacity of a Warframe that has reached the level cap. And when you reach the level cap of 30, you’ll be able to install 60 points worth of mods.

Orokin Reactors are also used to double the mod capacity of Sentinels, while Orokin Catalysts do the same for weapons.

[h2] The Foundry And The Marketplace [/h2]


Orokin Technology is not easy to get a hold of in Warframe, especially in the early sections of the game, which is why many players suggest using a bit of your starting platinum to buy an Orokin Reactor for your Warframe. If you don’t choose buy a Reactor, another other option is making one yourself once you’ve reached the later sections of the game. Then you’ll be able to find Orokin Cells and the other components required to build Orokin Reactors and Catalysts.

The building of new Warframes, weapons, sentinels, Orokin tech, and everything else in the game takes place in the Foundry. To build anything, a blueprint is required, along with any necessary components. Once you build the item, the blueprint will be destroyed. You can find some of the blueprints, or you can buy many of them in the marketplace in exchange for credits.