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Warframe – A Beginner’s Guide To The PlayStation 4’s Best Free-To-Play Title

If you own a PlayStaion 4, you really should be playing Warframe. Warframe is an online multiplayer shooter, played from a 3rd person perspective. The game is centered around a team of futuristic ninjas, and it has a lot in common with the multiplayer found in Mass Effect 3. As you play, you will unlock new character classes, weapons, and other assorted gear. You will also level your characters and equipment, and find loot drops from defeated enemies.

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I’ve already covered quite a lot here, and I haven’t even touched upon some pretty major topics — such as clans and building your own clan Dojo — but this is a guide for beginners, so there’s already more than enough here to digest and there’s certainly enough to get you started.  And so, I’m going to close this guide with several pieces of advice that didn’t fit elsewhere. If you have any additional tips for new players, feel free to leave them in our comments section below.

  • There are “auto-aim” options for both firearms and melee weapons, but many players feel that they’re actually a hindrance, especially the melee targeting. Try turning them off, and see if you agree.
  • Speaking of menu settings, you can pull the camera back to see more of your Warframe and the surrounding environment, or push it closer to get more of an over-the-shoulder viewpoint.  Experiment, and see which you prefer.
  • When you see doorways blocked by green lasers, you can slide through them. You can also turn them off, by shooting any security camera that can see you or any other player.
  • If you notice a sticky bomb attached to you, simply roll forward by taping the L1 button to safely remove it.
  • Holding the circle button over a fallen teammate will revive them, but they’ll be revived much faster if two or three teammates revive them simultaneously.
  • Crafting materials are often dropped by defeated enemies, and appear as yellow or blue puck-shaped containers. Yellow containers typically hold common components, while the less common often appear in the blue containers. Text at the bottom of the screen will tell you what you just picked up.
  • There is a progress bar in the upper-left corner of the main menu. This is your mastery rank, and it will increase as you play the game. When it is full, you are able to take a test that will allow you to continue to the next rank. Some weapons will not allow you to equip them until you have reached a specific mastery rank.
  • Missions with a skull next to them are nightmare mode missions, and missions with an exclamation point are Alert missions. You can get some great items from these missions, but you should avoid them–especially nightmare missions–until you have better gear, and are close to the level cap.
  • You should NEVER leave a mission. Warframe can be a bit glitchy game at times, but as long as one player is able to make it to extraction, everyone will be rewarded for completing the mission. I once actually joined a game, and my entire screen was black. I died almost immediately, but waited for my teammates to finish, and I still received a rare mod for completing the mission. Another time I was unable to enter an open door, due to an invisible wall that affected everyone but the host. After allowing enemies to defeat me, the host was able to finish the level, and we were all credited for completing the mission.
  • Finally, on the topic of glitches, Warframe launched on the PS4 with update 10. Update 11 is already available on PC, and will be coming to PS4 soon.  It features a new damage model, a new Warframe, new enemies, new levels, new weapons, and many other fixes and adjustments. The developers have also announced that they hope to allow PC and PS4 players to play together in the near future.

For more on Warframe, be sure to check out the excellent Warframe Wiki, which is especially useful when trying to learn where to farm specific building materials.