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‘Warhammer 40K’ Salamanders, explained

Salamanders protect the weak, defend innocents, and still deal out death to the enemies of Mankind.

Image via Warhammer 40k Wiki

Warhammer 40K‘s Space Marines are known for their physical toughness, terrifying skill, and all-consuming contempt for everything un-Space Marine. This normally applies to “xenos,” but also to “lesser” humans — those who have not gone through the rigorous training program required to become a foremost defender of mankind.

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However, one Chapter House among the Space Marines stands as the exception. Like ideal chivalric knights of old, the Salamanders believe it is their duty to protect the lives of the weak and innocent. Salamanders are unusually concerned with limiting civilian casualties in their military operations and will often give their lives in defense of the Emperor of Mankind’s subjects.

While some Marines view the Salamanders as weak, their Chapter has stood for 10 thousand years and still stands strong in the chaotic 41st millennium. The remarkably caring attitude Salamanders display is down to their unique origins. Salamanders garrison the fortress-monastery on Prometheus, a moon above the death-world Nocturne. Nocturne is racked by ash clouds, lava channels, harsh deserts, few rivers, and no trees. It is a hellish and inhospitable place that breeds resilient people. The Salamanders come from these people and, unlike other Marines, still interact with their families after joining the Chapter. It is not unknown for individual Salamanders to lead Nocturne clans in battle when their marine duty allows.

But don’t let this care for civilians fool you into believing the Chapter is weak. Salamanders have some of the best weapons around and know how to use them. Their war cry, “Into the fires of battle, unto the Anvil of War!” is enough to strike terror into xeno enemies of the Imperium.