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Watch: Fortnite Celebrates The Life Of MLK Jr. With New Interactive Experience

Taking a timeout from its usual love affair with all things comic book-related, Epic Games has, today, decided to take full advantage of Fortnite's global reach to deliver something far more poignant.

Taking a timeout from its usual love affair with all things comic book-related, Epic Games has, today, decided to take full advantage of Fortnite‘s global reach to deliver something far more poignant. In a new interactive experience presented by TIME Studios, players of the popular battle royale can, for a limited time, celebrate the life of Martin Luther King Jr. by immersing themselves in a fan-created Washington, D.C. circa 1963.

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Epic credits ChaseJackman, GQuanoe, XWDFr, and YU7A for recreating the site where MLK Jr. delivered his timeless and impassioned “I Have A Dream” speech in-game. The experience not only allows one to immerse themselves in the historically and socially significant event, but explore the circumstances that led to it.

This is presented in the form of a museum documenting the Civil Rights movement, with a series of collaborative mini-games and quests also available to anyone who chooses to participate. Completing all the challenges associated with the March Through Time will unlock a D.C. ’63 spray for use in any of Fortnite‘s existing modes. Anyone interested in further reading to gain a deeper understanding of Civil Rights in the US can pay TIME’s dedicated March Through Time website a visit by hitting the link below.

There’s no mention of how long the welcome celebration of MLK Jr.’s life is intended to stick around in-game, so it’s definitely worth booting up Fortnite at your next earliest convenience to experience the first of hopefully many more unique experiences to come.