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Nominees For We Got This Covered’s Best Games Of 2012

By any measure, 2012 was a fantastic year for video games. Countless high profile titles were released, new franchises were born, digitally released games really came into their own, and the first of the next generation consoles arrived. In short, it was an amazing year to be a gamer.

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By any measure, 2012 was a fantastic year for video games. Countless high profile titles were released, new franchises were born, digitally released games really came into their own, and the first of the next generation consoles arrived. In short, it was an amazing year to be a gamer.

Instead of trying to narrow down the very best games on each platform, the We Got This Covered gaming staff decided to do things a little different this year and come up with one list that represents the best that 2012 had to offer. Towards that end, we each wrote down our own top 10 lists then locked ourselves in a conference room to fight it out. Armed with an unlimited supply of caffeine, a top secret voting method, and a slap jack that Chaz smuggled into the meeting, we went about the task of beating (mostly figuratively, sometimes literally) all of our favorite titles into a single list that represents the very best games of 2012.

We are still working out the exact order of that list, but we wanted to share a few of the titles that are currently in the running for the WGTC 2012 Game of the Year.

In no particular order, here are half of the final 2012 Game of the Year nominees:


“… those who care about getting an emotional response out of games and want to try something that is in many ways a one-of-a-kind experience should pick Journey up. Thatgamecompany has made a fascinating game that does not stick to the conventions of what people expect out of high-profile retail titles, and it shows the potential that indie developers have to come up with experiences that take the medium to new places. So long as you have an open mind, Journey is a fascinating ride to take.”

Read our full Journey review.

Mass Effect 3

“… Mass Effect 3 remains a masterful package that has a ton to offer all sorts of gamers. It’s really surprising how versatile the game really is in terms of tweaking the gameplay and choosing modes to get the experience you really want. Mass Effect 3 is a near perfect conclusion to what may be this console generation’s most memorable trilogy… The prior two games in the series are classics that everyone who is ready, willing and able should play, and the third and final game is no different. Somehow, some way, you need to play this game.”

Read our full Mass Effect 3 review.

Assassin’s Creed III

“Although it’s not perfect, Assassin’s Creed III is a masterful interactive take on Revolutionary America. Not only is it expertly crafted and thoroughly engaging, but there’s a ton of content to keep players coming back for more. As such, I find it incredibly easy to recommend this sequel to all gamers who happen to be in the market for a rich action-adventure experience. The marketplace hasn’t seen anything like this before.”

Read our full Assassin’s Creed III reviewWii U review.